We bring the global scientific community closer together

About TeleScience
Scientific innovation stems from collaboration, with scientists and researchers supporting one another as sounding boards and catalysts for inspiration. We believe that sharing knowledge broadly is the key to sparking innovation in all corners of the scientific community.
TeleScience enables this exchange of ideas globally and instantaneously, allowing scientists from anywhere in the world to share their know-how. Videos on the TeleScience platform showcase knowledge to diverse groups of researchers around the world.
For all scientists, everywhere, TeleScience reduces barriers to scientific exchange, strengthening global connections. Our video library is full of how-tos, lab tricks, and research tips for practicing researchers and students... from lab basics to professional development. TeleScience videos highlight expertise, including the insider tips not typically found in written protocols or textbooks.
For our corporate partners, TeleScience provides a meaningful skills-based volunteer opportunity for employees worldwide. You and your employees can build virtual bridges that span the global scientific community.
Featured Videos: Pandemic Lab Safety Challenge Winners
Collection by MilliporeSigma
Our Founding Sponsor
Seeding Labs is proud to work with sponsors and supporters to connect scientists and expand knowledge around the world. The online TeleScience platform was co-created in 2018 with the support of founding sponsor MilliporeSigma. MilliporeSigma employees formed working groups, brainstorming ideas for videos that would engage a global community of scientists.Employee volunteers spent time developing scripts and shooting videos together in their labs with their own equipment. And in 2018, the platform began with a set of seven core videos, featuring MilliporeSigma employees demonstrating topics ranging from HPLC operation to soft business skills.